We at TIVC understand your concern about an unknown and emerging canine respiratory syndrome reported in the news recently.
This respiratory syndrome (CIRDC) has actually been reported on and off since December 2022 by veterinarians. It is not due to one specific virus or bacteria, making it sometimes harder to diagnose and treat. It is difficult to say if the case numbers are actually higher, or if more veterinary hospitals are noting similar cases and reporting them. Holidays may bring a higher number of cases as boarding facilities typically are at capacity and more pets are traveling to visit family.
Regardless, we want you to know that we are monitoring the situation and taking precautions to keep dogs safe here at TIVC.
At this time, we are requesting that any dogs with CIRD symptoms (cough, nasal discharge) or have been exposed to a dog with these symptoms stay in the car until you have spoken with TIVC staff. Please call the office upon arrival, and we will give you instructions about your appointment.
We have protocols in place for isolation, PPE, and cleaning if a dog with these signs interacts with the staff or is in the hospital.
If more information becomes available, we will update our website as needed.
If you have additional questions specific to your pet, please contact our office: 317-689-8582.
Dr Nichols and Olden-Stahl